Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You on a Diet - Oprah's Dr. Mehemet Oz - A Book Review

You On A Diet is profoundly different than other 'diet' and health books on the market. To start, it's an honest look at your body and how it reacts to your decisions. No other book on the market is as honest and straight forward about food and health as You On A Diet.
Lately, Dr. Oz has been in the news for his discussions on the new and exciting nutrient, resveratrol. On more than one occassion, Dr. Oz has talked about the role of red wine in your body's health and it's powerful nutrient resveratrol.
In his book, You On A Diet, Dr. Oz is a bit less excited about the role of alcohol and health. In 3 separate sections of the book he indicates his appreciation for good wine and its health benefits but is explicit in his warning that one glass a day is enough. From a health and mental health perspective, it is a refreshing viewpoint.
In terms of dieting, Dr. Oz makes it clear that 99% of the diets out there are fueled by will-power and at some point in the future, that will-power is going to give out. So instead of leaving you with the information that will-power isn't going to get you there - he breaks down the science.
Craving food isn't about the food but about the pleasure center that is being appeased by the food. At one point he reccomends increasing the amount of sex you have with your wife to help your weight loss goals. He doesn't suggest this to increase your calorie burn, but to satisfy the pleasure center that is currently satisfied with food.
You On A Diet is a fascinating look at the mental aspects of food and health. Read the book and flesh out your own thoughts on hunger, craving and health.
You'll be glad you did. Dr. Oz has a lot to teach you about yourself, your health, your relationship with food.
Dan Morris - Antioxidant Researcher, Owner and Founder of and other nutrition-based information sites.

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